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    Perfect Grade Skygrasper
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1/60 Perfect Grade Skygrasper

by Bandai

$294.50 HKD

Temporarily out of stock. Place an order now to enter the purchase queue when stock becomes available. Future arrival date is currently unknown.


This is a posable, Perfect-Grade injection-plastic kit of an item from the Gundam universe.

The perfect addition to your Perfect Grade Strike Gundam! The PG Skygrasper also comes with the Aile Striker; you can build and display them both on the included display base, or integrate them into your PG Strike Gundam. All the parts are molded in colour and snap together for easy assembly; polycaps are included for joints, and Gundam Stickers are included for markings. Note: This is the only additional set designed to fit the PG Strike Gundam (so far); the 1/60 Striker Weapon System (BAN917987) was designed for the 1/60 Strike Gundam (BAN914212).


Assembly Guide

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